Two Creepiest Inflatable Halloween Costumes and Decorations With Which to Frighten Doorbell-Ringing Youngsters

Halloween manufacturers have really outdone themselves this year with their new inflatable costume and decoration offerings. This inflatable Krampus decoration on Amazon is truly frightening. Tall, scary looking and grinning evilly, it can be tethered to the ground with included stakes. It stands 9 feet tall and glows with internal lights.

As a bonus, you can set your Krampus out at Christmastime too, getting more use out of it from the money you’ve spent!

Check out my choice for the creepiest inflatable costume: A werewolf! (I’m bored by the inflatable dinosaur costume, which I’ve seen everywhere for the past two years). The inflatable werewolf costume on Amazon stands six feet tall. It includes the battery pack, fan, adapter, and garment. I wonder how quiet the fan is – could you stand silently under a tree in the dark, preparing to jump out and frighten trick-or-treaters?

Happy haunting!